Rules & Conduct

Last updated: May 25, 2017

Psst! is a community where you can anonomously connect with people from around the world and message people privately and whom you have added as friends. You can privately message without adding someone by using the message button on their feed post and neither party will be shown who the other person really is. Post your thoughts, what you see, what you like, questions and photos for everyone to see. Just make sure to post interesting quality content that everyone can enjoy and take part in. We don't discriminate against age, gender or social status so everyone is welcome to use Psst that qualify under our terms of service and privacy policy. Below we've set up a few guidelines that will help keep our little community clean and simple.

We may change or modify these rules in our sole discretion. If we make changes to these Rules, we will provide notice of such changes, such as by sending a notification, posting a notice on the Services or updating the "Last Updated" date above. Your continued use of the Services will confirm your acceptance of the revised Rules. We encourage you to frequently review the Rules to ensure you understand them that they apply to your use of the Services. If you do not agree to the amended Rules, you must stop using the Services, contact us to deactivate your account and remove the Psst! app from your device.


2. NO BULLYING. Don't impersonate, abuse another member or defame people.

3. Full on nudity is not permitted, except in sections designated as a rules free area. Keep it classy and no gross or gory content.

4. If you are found harassing other users you will be warned then suspended.

5. Do not share other people's private information on public feeds blatantly or cryptically. Your account will be immediately suspended.

Suggested cautions

Sharing your personal identifiable information such as contact, photos or links to sites/apps outside of Psst is at your sole discretion. Psst shall not be held liable for any result of your actions on the service

Although we encourage making new friends, please be sure you only share your true identity with people whom you've built a trusting relationship with.

We actively moderate the feeds and reserve the right to remove any content we deemed unfitting.

Questions and Comments

Psst! welcomes comments, questions, concerns, or suggestions. Please send feedback to us by emailing psstchat @